
The #IChooseEurope campaign bus arrives in Frankfurt on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 and will host an information stand on Opernplatz (Alte Oper) to convince fellow Europeans to go to vote during the European Elections in May.

#IChooseEurope – proclaim thousands young people across Europe in the framework of a campaign organised by the Young European Federalists (JEF Europe) and their partners for the European Parliament Elections in May 2019. The transpartisan federalist youth organisation calls on all the citizens, regardless of their political colors, to vote in May 2019 for a strong, united and democratic Europe.

As part of the campaign activities, the #IChooseEurope bus will bring young people from different parts of Europe to Frankfurt. At Opernplatz (Alte Oper) on Wednesday, 10 April 2019, from 3 PM till 6 PM citizens are invited to get to know more about the campaign, participate in interactive activities and learn more about Europe and why to vote in the May elections. 

There will also be a public fishbowl debate with representatives and MEP candidates from CDU/EPP, SPD/S&D, Grüne Jugend (Green Youth) and Junge Liberale (Young Liberals) on that same evening starting from 7 PM at Handwerkskammer Frankfurt-Rhein-Main (Haus des Handwerks). You can read more about the corresponding event here (in German).

“In less than two months European citizens will be confronted with an important decision – to cast a vote for their common European future, or to stay aside and look how their future is taken away by nationalists and illiberals. Our vision is clear – your vote gives you power to change the course of the debate, do not miss this chance to help creating a better Europe, a better future”, comments Christopher Glück, President of JEF Europe.

JEF Europe, JEF Hessen and JEF Frankfurt are inviting all citizens to join the bus stop and choose Europe.

More about JEF Europe

The Young European Federalists (JEF) Europe is a non-partisan youth NGO with over 13.000 members, active in more than 35 countries. Founded in 1972, the organisation strives towards a federal Europe based on the principles of democracy, subsidiarity and rule of law. JEF promotes true European Citizenship, and works towards more active participation of young people in democratic life.

More about the #IChooseEurope campaign

#IChooseEurope is a part of the European Youth Together: Road to the future project, designed to encourage and strengthen European-oriented youth participation for the European Parliament Elections 2019 and in the longer term for the future of Europe. The initiative is building on a strong coalition of youth and volunteer-led civil society organisations and a network of political stakeholders and regional authorities, and is structured around two phases: the lead-up to the European Parliament elections 2019 and their follow-up after May 2019.