Internationales Berlin-Seminar 2014

Termin / Date:
Freitag, 09. Mai 2014 - Montag, 12. Mai 2014
ganztägig / 1:00 AM to 1:00 AM CEST

Ort / Location:
Berlin (Sophienhof)
Sophienstraße 28/29
10178 Berlin

Raum / Room: n. a.

Facebook-Seite zur Veranstaltung / Facebook page for the event

Call for applications

Dear fellow Europeans!

JEF Germany is very proud to announce:

the ‘XV. International Berlin Seminar’ will take place from Friday, 9 May till Monday, 12 May 2014 in Berlin.

This year stands in the sign of the European elections at the end of May and its outlook. The European political parties have elected their top candidates; they and all political organisations are in the middle of campaigning. Euroscepticists/ anti-Europeans are establishing a new powerful force, which one needs to hold against. That’s why the “Congress of the Europe saviours” is summoned! The elections 2014 are seen as indicatory if and especially how European integration will proceed. The consequences and future prevention mechanisms of the economic situation, especially in southern Europe, increasing youth unemployment as well as rising Euroscepticism are amongst others topics that need to be discussed further in order to think Europe ahead. As Europe saviours we would like to invite you to develop special European powers to “save” Europe from future dilemmas. You will undergo the development in several steps from being creative, discussions, brainstorming-sessions to joint actions with a group of young, dynamic and enthusiastic people from all over Europe.

So you are pro-European? Then you already reached the first level of a Europe saviour! You want to become fully equipped with arguments, gear and enthusiasm to join the league of Europe saviours in Berlin? You want to develop special powers to preserve Europe from its future challenges and problems? Then join us and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Berlin by filling out the application form before Saturday, 15 March 2014.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Your Berlin Seminar Team 2014,

Manja, Federica & Katha